Month: July 2018

  • Relaxation Classes in Milton Keynes

    Relaxation Classes in Milton Keynes

    Relaxation ClassesRelaxation classes come in different formats; yoga, meditation, mindfulness, reiki and many others. The best relaxation classes though can be those based around painting, especially when in a pub or restaurant.

    When you paint, whether individually, or as part of a group, you enter your own world. You are in charge in that world and you can create what you want. We don’t tell you what to do in our Paint Nights, we just show you how to do it, and you do the rest.


  • Painting Courses in Milton Keynes

    Painting Courses In Milton Keynes In Pubs.

    Painting courses in Milton KeynesPainting courses in Milton Keynes come in all shapes and sizes, and are run at various times of the day. Surely though, the best painting courses in Milton Keynes must be the ones held in a pub in the evening. We aren’t just an art event, but a social event as well.


    Our paintings cover almost any subject from Paris to London, and Landscapes to Seascapes. We make every Paint Night a different Paint Night.


  • Paint and Sip

    Paint and Sip

    Paint and SipPaint Night Party came into being as a result of a post about Paint and Sip events on a Facebook group for Bob Ross Certified Ross Instructors. I googled Paint and Sip and learnt how people could learn to paint in a great social setting – THE PUB.

    I was looking at ways how I could earn extra money from my art and was thinking about how I could sell more paintings. Rather than sell paintings, why not teach them how to paint in a good social setting. A social event first, an art event second.


Sign up here to keep in touch about our Paint Night Parties, and other Fun Art events, and come to your first event. We won’t share your information with anyone, and hope to make you laugh. Come to 8 events and get a Paint Night free. Click the cross in the top right to get rid of this box.


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