Who is Cinnamon Cooney the Art Sherpa

Cinnamon Cooney The Art Sherpa

Who is Cinnamon Cooney, the Art Sherpa

Cinnamon Cooney The Art Sherpa

Cinnamon Cooney AKA The Art Sherpa is a slightly crazy, but highly lovable, bubbly and adorable Texan. She has taken on the responsibility of showing everyone (of all skill and none) that they can paint. At least twice a week her alter-ego, The Art Sherpa, uploads detailed and free videos onto YouTube that show how complex paintings can be created in a very simple manner. Although her videos are detailed, they are easy to follow, and the artwork simple to copy. The Art Sherpa is to Acrylic painting what Bob Ross is to oil painting.

John Cooney – Husband of The Art Sherpa

Cinnamon Cooney The Art Sherpa

John Cooney, the husband of The Art Sherpa, is conspicuous by his disembodied voice. He is the technician of the couple and seems to spend all his time behind a camera videoing Cinnamon. He films and produces all her videos, edits them and uploads them to YouTube. We hardly see his face, as he is behind the camera, but we certainly can hear him. He is a confessed non-artist, and being behind the camera, it could be said that one of his main occupations is watching paint dry.

We don’t have a picture of John, so here is another of Cinnamon – the original to the painting picture.


The Art Sherpa LaBS

As well as showing the world how easy it is to paint, Cinnamon has set up The Art Sherpa LABS (Licensing and Business Support) scheme. LABS is a structure that allows artists to licence her artwork to teach in Paint and Sip events. This brings Cinnamon’s work to a wider audience. It also helps her Sherpettes (as her followers are known) run their own creative businesses to teach others how to paint. The membership fee covers more than the licensing fee, there is also loads of advice on how to set up, advertise and run an event.

Paint Night Party and The Art Sherpa

As far as I know I am the only Art Sherpa Sherpette in the UK,or at least the ONLY Male Sherpette in the UK. Most of my events are based around Cinnamon’s art work and very popular they are too. I have started to design my own artworks though and I hope that mine work as well as hers do.


Press to learn more about The Art Sherpa, Russell Collins, and Paint Night Party Events.



2 responses to “Who is Cinnamon Cooney the Art Sherpa”

  1. misty willow avatar
    misty willow

    I am so impressed with your writing on The Art Sherpa. I also follow her. I am teaching K-5 art in an after school program. some day i hope to be as brave as you and have paint nights but for now, I watch her and learn techniques. I am sure your designs will be great.

    1. Russell Collins avatar

      Hello Misty Willow, I am sorry I missed your original post – thank you very much. I am sure that you will find teaching adults a little different to teaching K5, whether better or worse, I don’t know.

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